Thursday, November 29, 2012

Disinfect and Separate That Laundry

turkey sandwich from Thanksgiving leftovers (side view)

                         photo courtesy of

The Thanksgiving leftovers were polished off or frozen.  The decorative corn stalks tossed into the compost bin.  And visiting family members returned home from their travels.  Reflections of the new holiday memories were quickly, respectfully and momentarily set aside when the kids eagerly reminded us that Christmas was right around the corner.

blue dove htt/
For the sake of my youngster's future thoughts of their own childhoods we sprang to action.  With the local radio station playing holiday favorites we journeyed into our 200 year old basement. We emerged with our traditional, and horribly spider infested decorations.  A few swats and couple flicks later we were in business and managed to trim the tree.
Our energy spent, our house up to date, we all fell asleep with a smile.  In our home, on that night there was no question those kids were dreaming of the spectacular surprises Santa might have in store for them.
Still waiting

The next morning, to my complete horror and surprise, I looked in the bathroom mirror only to be greeted with an infected spider bite.  I looked and looked and looked again.  Almost embarrassed for my own family to see it.  
I couldn't understand how it happened.  I never felt a bite.  I washed my face before bed.  The sheets were clean.  What in the world and why me and why on my face?
how it started: 30 june 2008 | 01h

I needed answers.  Not only on how to treat this wound but on where it would've come from.  I searched photos of poisoness spider bites and came up empty.  To my favor if I might add.  A poisoness spider bite is something to be feared and respected. 
I was getting a little nervous.  If this wasn't from a poisiness spider what exactly was I dealing with?  Call it trial and error, call it home remedies, call it expanding my knowledge, call it gambling with my life, I don't go to the doctor unless absolutely necessary and after I have exhausted all allotted time for natural remedies to have a crack at what's pestering  me.  This of coarse would not be possible without the Internet since I don't have a degree in medicine.  To my disgust there was a strong case of some type of bacterial cross contamination from the laundry.  I thought I was better than that.  Boy did I have a rude awakening.
Honesty is the best policy and in this case I hope to save you from the sniffles, an infection or an ugly stomach virus.  I messed up.  I was separating colors from whites and yadda yadda yadda.  But I was not separating underwear or dishtowels from the common loads of laundry.  I just always washed everything on hot and dried each load till bone dry.  Apparently there are some nasty bacterias, viruses and yeasts (spores) that are stronger than your washer and dryers hottest setting. 
Apparently people of old knew this and used to boil their clothes.  If I'm not mistaken I remember a news story from a few years back where a lady caught her house on fire microwaving her clothes in an attempt to kill germs.              
Wash Day 1917

Today we're lured into buying cold water detergents and saving energy by hanging our clothes to dry.  That really sounds wonderful and I have images of a sunny, green world when I imagine my clothes hanging from a clothes line.  But are they sanitized?  And does it matter which path is taken to achieve a presentably clean outfit?  You bet it does!

Have you ever been to a house, maybe it's yours, where the dish rags get used over and over again?  The same old hand towel hangs on the handle of the fridge for all to dry or wipe their dirty hands on?  They have a unique smell called bacteria.  It makes the nostrils curl up and die.  Imagine what kind of infection you can get if it touches an open cut or dry cracked hands. 

Our immune systems were designed to fight off dangerous bacterias and viruses.  Otherwise we'd look and feel like decomposing zombies.  Unfortunately, every once in a while a little bugger will put our bodies to the test.  But having a few tricks up your sleeve to disinfect your laundry can keep your system from hitting overdrive and avoid risking the possibility of defeat. 

1.  Separate loads in cloth bags that can be washed.
Radar in My Laundry Bag
     (Make your own!  Check out

2.  Wash UNDERWEAR separately to prevent spreading fecal matter and yeast spores.
3.  Wash DISH RAGS separately to prevent spreading staph, e-coli and salmonella.
4.  Wash TOWELS separately to prevent staph and mildew from spreading.
5.  PILLOW CASES get washed/changed daily to prevent spreading staph (lives in the nose of about 30% of population) and acne break outs.  Make more out of t-shirts!  Great for college students!
6.  From there you can separate loads based on color, fabric and durability.
7.  Never use a dirty laundry bag or basket for distributing clean clothes.
HOW TO DISINFECT YOUR LAUNDRY (Only use one chemical, additive or oil in each load of wash to prevent harmful and life threatening chemical reactions):
1.  Wash on hot.
2.  Dry in dryer till bone dry.
3.  Add one cup of bleach.
4.  Add 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil.
5.  Add 1/2 teaspoon of grapefruit seed extract.  Why?  Even hospitals use the extract to kill Staph, Strep and MRSA's.
6.  Add one cup of hydrogen peroxide.
7.  Add one cup of Pine Sol or a similar product with the same active ingredients .
8.  Add one cup of white vinegar.
9.  Add a few drops of tea tree oil or grapefruit seed extract to your Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls.
10.  If you have a disinfect or sanitize cycle on your washer or dryer...use it! 

Fingers crossed these simple steps and necessary efforts will pay off for you this winter with less stomach bugs and infections.  I know we've already put a lot of these tips into practice at our home and I won't be mixing loads of blatantly contaminated fabrics with normal loads ever again.  Of coarse there are still going to be door knobs, public restrooms and desks at work and school that can't be put into a washer and dryer but when you get home wash your hands and do your laundry the sanitary way.  For an added boost of protection eat healthy, get a daily blast of fresh air and sunlight, exercise, manage your stress and let yourself laugh.  As for my infected spider bite, all is well with a little bit of my natural treatments.  And next year, we'll be storing the Christmas decorations somewhere other than our old, dusty basement.   

Written by:  Jessica Connor

Friday, November 23, 2012

Have a Laugh on Black Friday

   You may be reading this while standing in a mile long checkout line at the mall today.  Maybe you're taking a lunch break and resting your dogs after hunting down the best deals in town all morning.  Who knows?  You might be that rebel that refuses to shop on Black Friday, online or in stores.  You little rebel you.  Whoever you are and whatever you're doing you can use a good laugh.  Especially if you're the champion that cooked, cleaned and invited family and friends over for Thanksgiving yesterday. 

Joke #1:

What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede?

Drumsticks for everybody!

Joke courtesy of The Reader's Digest December 2012  Article:  Laughter, The Best Medicine

Joke #2:

   It was Black Friday, the morning after Thanksgiving, and the crowd was huge and getting antsy.  A small man pushed his way to the front of the line, only to be shoved back. On his second try, he was picked up and thrown to the end of the line.  On his third attempt, he was knocked to the ground, kicked, and, again, dumped in the back.
    "That does it," he murmured.  "If they hit me one more time, I won't open the store!"

Joke courtesy of The Reader's Digest December 2012  Article:  Laughter, the Best Medicine  Sent in by L.B. Weinstein, Miami Beach, Florida   

   We hope this lightened your day a little bit.  Happy Black Friday.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Morning Goes From Sleepy to Dangerous to Delighted

The alarm went off at 4:30 a.m. this morning from the dresser at the edge of the room.  I jumped out of bed with my sheets tangled around my ankles and the bedroom walls mysteriously springing to action and slamming themselves against the bridge of my nose.  I bashed down on the snooze button like I had a personal vendetta with the device.  I made the seven foot journey back to bed with minimal assaults from enemy furniture and resumed my sleepy slumber. 

The alarm went off again at 4:35 this morning.  Only this time from my husband's iPhone.  I played dead.  I held my breath.  I snored.  I farted.  I gave him about a minute to admit he was awake and shut off his own ear puncturing app.  Then suddenly the sound waves jiggled my brain like a Grateful Dead concert.   I jolt of hippie dance shook through my soul and my arm shot out across his face in search of the alarm.  If I'm going to be entertained by the Grateful Dead it will not be an impersonation.  Unfortunately my elbow landed on his eye socket.  That woke him up.  I tapped the iPhone, curled up and slipped back into snooze land.  My husband glared at me with his good eye.  I have a sixth sense for that sort of thing.  I snored and farted.  He fainted.

The alarm went off for a third time at 4:40 this morning.  The culprit was the clock on the dresser.  Yes, the same one protected by the maniacal, moving walls.  Yikes.  I wasn't stumbling over there half awake again.  Trick me once, shame on you.  Trick me twice, shame on me.  I kicked the blankets off clean.  I swung my feet around a sat at the edge of the bed in a perfect 90 degree angle.  I stood up, eyes wide open, and marched straight for that black little box.  The walls had an ally.  The calico cat curled up on the carpet screeched, scratched and clawed it's way up my leg when my right foot firmly planted itself on ol' Kitty's backbone.  Kitty in tow, I nearly broke my finger when I pressed the off button.  I was officially awake.  Off was a safe bet. 

I walked into the kitchen.  Morning chores swirled in my thoughts.  Just as I was about to start coffee and packing lunches I remembered that load of laundry in the dryer.  The one that had my daughter's favorite outfit for school in it.  Oops.  I sauntered in expecting yet another wrinkle in my morning.  I opened the dryer and inspected the contents.  Behold...fluffy, wrinkle free and ready to wear threads were patiently waiting for Momma to retrieve them.  Once again Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls came to the rescue, not only for the families clothing but for my morning.  It's going to be a good day.  

Written By:  Jessica Connor

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Be Thankful and Relaxed This Thanksgiving

We're a week from Thanksgiving tomorrow!  It seems like everyone I talk to is giving me advice on how to make the most of the holiday.  Some of it is useless.  For instance, I don't think I'm going to stretch my stomach for maximum food capacity by eating a pound of grapes on Thanksgiving eve.  I'm also confident I won't need to hire a babysitter so I can sleep off the meal. 

I once heard of a family that used a paper table cloth, similar to the kind at a family restaurant, and let the kids color all over it while the meal was being prepared.  It keeps them in the middle of the excitement without getting too close to the stove or the desserts.  That's useful.  I'd probably add my own little design to it too, between basting the turkey and checking on the rolls.

To this day the best advice I've received on how to enjoy Thanksgiving has come from my old granny.  She told me years ago to make sure I have the television tuned in to the scheduled football games.  Of coarse I put my own spin on it.  We enjoy our meal sitting down at the dinner table, but once we're done anybody interested in putting up their feet and relaxing in front of the t.v. is more than welcome to.  As the mood lightens I hand out a trivia game about the teams playing.  I create it myself with a lot of help from the Internet since I'm not an expert on the players or the game. 

To entice the contestants, who are always half asleep by this point, I offer first, second and third place prizes.  They're won based on the combination of order of completion and most correct answers.  There is an automatic disqualification for anybody caught on the Internet.  The prizes are usually a pie, a bottle of wine or a pair of tickets to a home game.

I tie it all into the theme of Thanksgiving by requiring all participants to announce to the group what they're thankful for when they turn in their trivia sheet.  Somebody always ends up crying, usually the biggest guy in the room, and the family always ends up bonding. 

For the rest of the group that doesn't know a lick about football trivia we enjoy a game of Apples to Apples (such a great game for groups) or another card game.  Playdough and Legos are set out for the kids.  We sit and chat and snack on sweets.  We laugh till we cry and make plans to get together again. 

It all sounds easy and fun but I do get stressed out over the organized chaos of it all.  I just do my best to stay cool and keep the mood light.  It's not the time to discuss mortgages or school grades.  It's not the day of the year to wish for more stuff.  It's a day of satisfaction and gratitude. 

I hope you all can spend this next week preparing your hearts as well as your pantries and homes for Thanksgiving.  If you find yourself stressing over the responsibilities of it all just remember that whatever you're thankful for would probably bring tears to some big guys eyes.  We're all important to somebody and whatever our role in life is, no matter how big or small it feels, is huge to the people that love us.            

By: Jessica Connor 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Life's Subtle Clues

It’s not very often that you experience the combination of feelings reminiscent of your junior high school dance.  Suffering through the social vulnerability of the environment, thousands of swirling emotions cramped into an hour long adrenaline rush, stifled by the necessity to appear cool, and the onslaught of intense self-consciousness from a brief glance of a certain someone, was a rite of passage.  Of course you didn’t know that at the time.  You thought “A Night Under the Stars” was some type of medieval tradition marketed to the students as the not to be missed social event of the year by a faculty that was obviously unfazed, or distortedly entertained, by the idiosyncrasies of preteens.  In hindsight that combustible, unpredictable energy you gulped down with your Hawaiian Punch represented something big happening in your life.  


After years of memories, accomplishments, failures, good times and bad you’ve learned to foresee the future.  You don’t get so worked up when something or someone potentially good for you crosses your path.  You handle things with maturity and wisdom.  You understand that there is a balance to life that can land you on your face if it is not treated with respect.  Or do you?


Who am I kidding?  We’re all like pimple faced preteens just doing the best we can!  We try to prepare dinners that go over well with diverse and picky palates.  We secretly take a skipped opportunity for a coworker to compliment a new hairstyle as, “Wow, your hair really looks like crap.”   We cry over Folgers coffee commercials when the college cutie surprises the parents on Christmas morning because we hope our own parenting efforts will be rewarded with that type of loyalty.  We are constantly ebbing and flowing on this roller coaster called life.  But there are no crests at the top of giant, looming hills slapping us in the face with an imminent need to be fully aware of what comes next.  Man, I wish there was!


Wouldn’t it be fantastic if you got that rush in the produce aisle because the avocados were, for the first time in the history of all grocery stores, perfectly ripe for guacamole?  Or if there actually was only a single time in your life that fireworks would explode from every nerve in your body when you met your soul mate?  What if you were leaving for work but your feet froze and your gut sent you into a tizzy because you almost forgot your wallet, which was sitting right next you?  How about a good old spell of vertigo when you considered buying an adorable companion puppy for your aging parents that would grow up to be a 100 pound, hip fracturing, blood pressure raising, critter from the deep beyond?  What if your feet started dancing uncontrollably, your fist pumped the air with complete confidence, and you started yelling, “That is so AWSOME!” when you came across Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls and their amazing ability to fluff your laundry without the added chemicals of dryer sheets?  Life would be a cake walk.


Unfortunately (or fortunately if you’re the glass is half full type of person) life, the necessity of the emotional torment of a junior high school dance, and the health benefits of Hawaiian Punch, will always remain a mystery.  We know that not every single thing that’s good for us is going to smack us in the face like The Three Stooges.  And we’re perfectly aware that with the good comes the bad.  We just do our best and hope we don’t miss out on any subtle clues along the journey.         





Thursday, October 25, 2012


We are so PLEASED to be considered for the Fed Ex Small Business Grant.

Won't you help us achieve our goals and vote for us today?  You can vote one time each day.   We appreciate all your love and support and will continue producing safe and chemical free products.

We have exciting things coming up for the new year, so stay tuned for more fun, felted things.


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Wonder Years

When I was a little girl I spent my time at home.  I was actively involved in a house hold.  My siblings and I had chores, academic expectations and responsibilities.  We didn't have a gaming system and the Internet wasn't invented yet.  Without all that technology, and still light-years ahead of the world our grandparents were brought up in, we still had plenty to ignite our imaginations and cause us to wonder. 

A lot of our thoughts were social and emotional as they are today, but we chewed on it.  There was more time alloted between the present and future.  Our thoughts were like the four seasons.  We could think on one issue, experience within it a cold spell, a rebirth, a growing season, fall away from it and enter a cold spell again only to find ourselves in the presence of an elder begging for a glimpse at a path towards a resolution.  

That type of face to face interaction almost always played out during a daily routine.  Our beliefs, passions, hobbies and self worth were nurtured right there in the kitchen with a pile of potatoes and peeler in hand or a basket of laundry to fold.  We felt like little puppies following mothers and grandmas from room to room inquiring as to the ways they handled situations like first crushes, bad grades and broken friendships.  We watched their body language, took note of how many memories flashed through their minds before they chose an appropriate answer for their wide eyed audience and always knew they were being cautious.  They wanted to pass on to the next generation what was right and true.  They admitted mistakes and claimed fault.  They molded us as much as our wild untamed hearts were capable.
We walked away from our youth with multi-generational experiences guiding us.  But when we arrived at adulthood it was nothing like what we were trained for.  Today we overwhelm ourselves juggling things like text messages, Skype, cyber bullying, e-how, Facebook, Google, camera phones and more that were so inconceivable to 99.9% of the growing population, let alone our elders, that there were classes given to teach operation of these phenomenons to the general public.

So here we are living in the age of technology.  Sprinting to keep up with it's lightening speed advances and almost unknowingly letting our ground roots suffer at the hands of "instant results".  Where do we fit cross stitching a family wall plaque or sitting on the porch with good company and a sweet tea in between surfing the web, lounging in chat rooms with potentially dangerous strangers or catching up on 3 hours of must-see-t.v. that we digitally recorded and can watch from any room in the house?  How do we connect to ourselves, the ones our elders worked so hard to raise us up to be, if we're lost in a web of digital signals and bright, colorful images?  We follow that routine of daily chores that we witnessed, participated in and left the nest with.  

You could walk into any home today that is inundated with technology, everyones head down and illuminated with the glowing screens of an ipad, d.s. or laptop and you will still see evidence of daily household routines in play.  It could be a hot pot of coffee brewed each morning, sheets always changed on Sunday, shoes taken off at the door, or laundry dried with extra dryer sheets.  With life so different from what we knew years ago it almost feels like defiance to even consider the thought that the sacred daily routine could be done without it's key ingredients.  

What would the average mother of the 80's say if you tried to replace her toxic arsenal of cleaning products with vinegar and baking soda?  How would she react to a dryer full of clothes stuck together with static because you confiscated her chemical ridden dryer sheets?  How would you feel if somebody did that to you, today?  

I like to think that the amount of information we absorb on a daily basis has made us more approachable towards healthier living ideas.  If we can be convinced that it's a good idea to share our daily lives play by play on a social network we should be open to the idea of green cleaning products like Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls.  You can still enjoy the hum of the dryer swimming through your home while dinner simmers and kids do homework.  Your clothing will still emerge fluffed and virtually static free reminiscent of days gone by.  And you can still be swept away by a fresh bouquet of scents tickling your nose every time you fold your laundry if you put a few drops of your favorite essential oils on the Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls at the start of the drying cycle.  No, this isn't the exact routine you were raised up on.  But the human race is as adaptable as it is susceptible so it's worth breaking the mold for...and worth creating a new one.     

Written by:

Jessica Connor

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ingredient Anxiety

I went to my favorite salvage grocery store yesterday. I only needed a few things but knew better than to walk in there with less than $40 in my wallet. It is so hard to beat those scratch and dent prices that I impulse shop till I drop.

As I scanned the aisles and cautiously plucked items off the shelves for my routine "safe ingredients" check I was flabbergasted to see an abundance of organic and natural products stocking the shelves! I caught my breath and changed gears. Ingredients no longer mattered because that sunny day label "organic" and that whatever's clever label "natural" filled me with the confidence of a care bear.

All I needed to do was load my cart to the brim and slide into home for a $40 grand slam. It was getting very hot. I'm pretty sure every customer there had the exact intentions I did. I worked fast. With $20 left to spare I already had a month’s supply of organic chocolate chip cookies, organic alphabet cookies, organic pancake mix, all natural fruit snacks, organic chocolate and peanut butter cereal, organic candy, organic pop, organic sweet iced tea, naturally seasoned snack mix, all natural pudding, Hamburger Helper, instant potatoes, and so on and so forth.

And then it hit me. Not all that glitters is gold. Here I was, sweaty, breathing heavily, crazed look in my eyes, adding and subtracting obsessively, and gripping the handles of a cart filled with processed foods like I was the Grinch. What in the world just happened to me? Organic sugar spikes blood sugar just like non-organic sugar. All natural fruit snacks get stuck in teeth just like the ones doused with chemical food colorings do. Fresh foods are still better than candy.

So what possessed me to think that it was good for my family and me? One word….Marketing. They play on our instinct to want to protect ourselves and loved ones. They know that those magic little words “organic” and  “natural” will encourage us to buy their products because they're presented as being "safer".  And typically, we don't second guess them.

Marketing companies have successfully figured out a way to trick the consumer out of using their common sense when shopping. And it doesn't stop at food. Yes, organic and natural products are better for you...if they're good for you in the first place! You can't dress a wolf in sheep’s clothing and expect it to be gentle. You can't invite every product pushed as safe into your home and expect to have great results.

Dryer sheet companies are like wolves. They've figured out that people are having allergic reactions to their products like hives, asthma attacks, depression, eczema outbreaks, rashes, confusion and dizziness. So like the corporate giants they are, they made a few alterations like no perfumes or dye free and labeled them as hypoallergenic. Perfect, right? Nobody wants anything they could be allergic to in their home.

But dig deeper. Dryer sheets are still chemicals and crude oils that melt in the heat of the dryer and coat your clothing. When the clothing cools so does the oil creating a slick barrier that wrinkles just cannot compete with. Of course our skin is a lot smarter than a wrinkle and absorbs those toxins like a glaze on a sponge cake. The damage it does isn't even on our minds because that word hypoallergenic and the serene graphics on the packaging convinced us everything is A OK. Until the next rash pops up. Or until your dish towel won't soak up a drop of water because it's absorbency is blocked by oil. Or you develop some sort of respiratory condition.

If you want to protect yourself and your family as a consumer know your product. Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls are 100% natural. Not 10%, not a mere 5%. They are 100% wool, from an actual sheep. They will fluff up your clothes, reduce the drying time and retain the absorbency in your fabrics naturally. No marketing ploy needed. Just the facts.

Written by:
Jessica Connor


Monday, October 15, 2012

Halloween!  Halloween!  Trick or Treat?! 

           Children young and old, far and wide are counting down the days to their annual costume parties and trick or treating adventures!  It's the only day of the year that you can pretend to be whatever you want!  IN PUBLIC!  This is huge.  A very big deal.  If you miss out on this opportunity your inner Broadway, Tony award winning performance is going to have to wait 365 days for it's next curtain rise.  Do be so kind as to allow yourself some creative freedom for a day.  Just one.  That's all your imagination is asking for.

           Given the fact that the majority of us do not have screenplays flooding our inbox we must be selective with our choice of character.  To thoroughly enjoy your Halloween experience there are many things to consider. 

1.   Who are you when you sing in the shower and dance like nobody is looking?
2.   Is your personality strong and brave or weak and timid?
3.   Do you want to reflect the type of personality you wish you were or who you are?
4.   Are you a dead ringer for a political figure or celebrity? 
5.   Are you secretly scared if every costume is of a dark nature but yours?
6.   Is your party indoors or out?  Weather hot or cold? 
7.   Are you 18 or older?  (Some costumes really should be for adults only)
8.   How much money are you prepared to spend?
9.   Are you trying to win a costume contest?
10. Are you making your costume or buying it?   

          What this questionnaire boils down to is:  Be something that makes you excited to have fun even if you are timid.  If you hate the creepy costumes you might not be as afraid if you wear one too.  Don't dress as a hula dancer if you're trick or treating outside in Ohio.  If you're under 18 maybe swap the fishnets for opaque stockings.  If you're entering a costume contest an over the top get up usually makes the final round. 

         Now, down to the nitty gritty.  You're either going to pay an arm and a leg for a prefab costume or you're going to dig down deeeeep into your memory for how your old granny used to thread a needle.  Okay, okay.  That was a little dramatic.  Of coarse you're not going to sew the entire thing from scratch.  But you may need to make a few alterations.  If you're not hip to sewing, the iron and a Heatnbond tape roll (or a similar product brand) is your new Gotta-Have-The-Best-Costume-I've-Ever-Had-In-My-Entire-Life best friend.  It's a sew free way to bond fabrics quickly and easily.  It's cheap as dirt and can be found in most craft sections at your favorite store.  
      If you've already made the decision to purchase your costume at one of those nightmare inducing pop up Halloween shops, congratulations ahead of time.  You're going to tie for first at your costume party for the most common and predictable get up.  You'll still go home with some candy though.

      Now for all you imaginative entrepreneurs.  Your possessions are your canvas.  Go, create!  Reduce, reuse, recycle!  If you need to bond some fabrics, minus the needle and thread, check out on how to use Heatnbond.  They do have a product option that you can sew over for a stronger hold if you plan on moving around a lot.  The trick is though....wash your intended fabrics FIRST (even if you just pulled them out of your closet) with NO FABRIC SOFTENER IN THE WASHER OR THE DRYER.  The fabric softener leaves that yucky, invisible slime on your clothes making the Heatnbond completely useless.  It only glues fabrics together that are clean, dry and yuck free.  This doesn't mean you can't have that soft, fluffy fabric we've all come to love.  During the drying cycle toss in a half dozen or so Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls to fluff your future costume while retaining a bond friendly surface.

        Once you've created your masterpiece, please do a few dry runs on hair, make-up and character traits.  Remember, this is your once a year opportunity to party like a (fill in the blank)!!!  Have fun and be safe!!

Written by:
Jessica Connor

Friday, September 7, 2012

  Your little bambino has a diaper rash and it's a doozy. He kicks and screams and shoots you a look of terror as you wipe him clean. Once he's dry and calm you wipe the tears from your own eyes and give the doctor a call. You do not want this rash to cause your baby that much pain again. For either of you for that matter. The doctor's advice, or whatever medical professional you happen to be given the privilege of talking to, for treating a diaper rash usually goes something like this:

1. Change the diaper more frequently

2. Apply a barrier cream

3. Use wet paper towels instead of baby wipes or rinse with running water

4. Allow to air dry before dressing with a new diaper

5. Call back if there are no signs of improvement or symptoms increase That's great advice!

   And I can solemnly swear that it works. But why aren't the causes of the diaper rash addressed? Are our little ones yet another case of treat the symptoms and ignore the causes phenomenon? I say when you're old enough to make your own decisions or if your busy schedule has you in a time constraint go ahead and use the luxuries of the here today gone tomorrow treatments. But be prepared because tomorrow eventually becomes today and you will be facing the same trials all over again.

   Now that can be applied to most areas of our lives, can't it? But this is a dryer ball blog so we'll stick to what we do best. If you'd like to meditate on any of our advice further you're more than welcome to. If you'd like to prevent diaper rash consider the following causes:

1. Allergy to dryer sheets used on babies clothes and cloth diapers - Even the hypoallergenic dryer sheets are basically crude oil and chemicals that leaves a slick film on fabrics to prevent wrinkles.

2. Prolonged wetness due to lack of absorbency in cloth diapers - Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls help retain absorption of diapers

3. Loose bowel movements due to introduction of new solid foods - Introduce new foods based on the three 1's - 1 new food at a time - 1 week at a time - 1 tablespoon at a time

4. Allergies to foods mother has eaten if you are breastfeeding your baby - Common allergens include gluten, dairy, eggs, soy and citrus - Check with your doctor before altering your diet

5. Allergies to formula ingredients - Ask your doctor for suggestions on a gentler formula before switching

6. Sensitivities to ingredients in baby wipes - Make your own wipes -

7. Sensitivities to traditional, throw away diapers - Consider using cloth or organic. As mentioned before your doctor's advice is valuable and proven to work.

But for the sake of your little one try to prevent a rash before it starts. We can't be there to help change diapers but we can help you ditch some of those irritating chemicals your baby may be sensitive to.

Make the switch to Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls from traditional dryer sheets and you're one step closer to a smooth bottom. If your baby or any family member suffers from eczema they may find some skin relief as well. Soon your baby will be sleeping like a baby.

Written by:  Jessica L. Connor

Saturday, September 1, 2012

We have been very busy making balls, balls, balls.  We are so grateful to our fans and customers for using 100% wool dryer balls and spreading the word about how wonderful wool can be to our health and the health of the planet. 

We have just completed a sale with a "deal of the day" website and sold over 800 balls in 25 minutes!!  We are blessed beyond belief.  Not only is our little family company growing everyday, but we have three new grandchildren in the family...a set of gorgeous twins from my middle daughter, Marla and another beautiful baby boy from my oldest daughter, Carissa  They were born one week apart.  They both use Leaping Sheep wool dryer balls to protect their babies from harmful chemicals in fabric softeners.

Since we have been growing at a steady pace via facebook, deal of the day websites, etc, we thought it was time to tell the masses.    We have decided to move into the rhelm of print advertising.  We will be featured in Baby and Toddler magazine in their fall/winter issue.  It is sure to be a very busy and exciting 2012 holiday season. 

We look forward to the challenge and absolutely love what we do.  I can't wait to see what the future holds for Leaping Sheep.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Break the Dryer Sheet Addiction

Coco gets high by sniffing dryer sheetsI've heard people say that going green is too expensive.  That they need more money to make such a drastic change. 

Weeellll...this picture is of a woman named Coco.  She's married to rapper and actor Ice T.  They have plenty of money. 

What's she doing you ask?  She's smelling a dryer sheet.  In an addictive manor.  Doesn't she know that they're loaded with chemicals?  Could be yes, could be no. 

All it takes to make a change in your lifestyle is knowledge, a will, and a way.  And if you're worried about the price of going green...for most people Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls only need purchased every 5-7 years or so.  That's a lot of money saved by not buying toxic, and apparently addictive dryer sheets. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls are a Natural Renewable Resource

At Leaping Sheep we refer to our 100% wool dryer balls as a natural renewable resource.  It sounds green and environmentally friendly but what exactly does it mean?  

The term renewable resource is defined as:  a natural resource with the ability of being replaced through biological or natural processes and replenished with the passage of time. 

The passage of time referred to in the definition of a renewable resource is relatively short.  To put it into perspective it is a resource that you should see naturally renewed many times during your lifespan. 

Examples of Renewable Resources are:

Animals/Fiber (Wool)
Water (Hydropower)
Air/Oxygen (Wind energy)
The Sun (Solar energy)

 Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls are 100% natural wool and a 100% natural renewable resource.

Another set of natural resources found on Earth are referred to as non-renewable.  It doesn't have a good ring to it, does it? 

The term nonrenewable resource is defined as:  Any natural resource from the Earth that exists in limited supply and cannot be replaced if it is used up;  also, any natural resource that cannot be replenished by natural means at the same rates that it is consumed. 
Once a nonrenewable resource is removed from the Earth it will certainly not be seen again in our lifetime or that of the next generation.
Examples of Nonrenewable Resources are:
Fossil Fuels
Natural Gas
Iron Ore
Rocks, etc.

Dryer sheets are most often made from a non-woven fabric web of fine polyester fibers.  Some are made of polyurethane foam.  Polyester and polyurethane are petroleum based products.  Unrefined petroleum is a "crude oil" and a nonrenewable resource.

We all try to do our best when it comes to using the gifts and resources that Mother Nature has given us.  Now that we have more knowledge on what we are using and how long it will take to replace we can make more informed decisions on the products we use in our homes. 

From the Earth - To the Earth

Friday, May 4, 2012

Avoid a Mother's Day Meltdown by Volunteering to do the Laundry

The average American family of four does 8 - 12 loads of laundry per week.  My guess is that the majority of the time it's the matriarch of the household doing the deed. 

If she quit doing the laundry for even 3 days the entire family would take notice.  But she's wise, hard working and compassionate.  She wants her family to be clean and well kept.  She wouldn't halt the laundry just for some recognition.  But Mother's Day is coming up and women have been known to crack under the pressure of the holidays.

I suggest you surprise her with a gift of Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls.  You'll show her how much you care about the families health by getting rid of the toxic dryer sheets.  And while you're at it throw your hat in the ring for laundering duties.  You'll be giving her a much needed break.   

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Save Money at the Laundromat by Using Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls

How would you like to actually leave the laundromat with extra quarters in your pocket?  You could stop for a cup of tea or coffee on your way home.  Maybe put it towards your library fee (that could just be a personal problem of mine).  Or do that extra load of rarely used laundry that you've been putting off.  But how can it be? 

Use Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls in the dryer!

They absorb up to 30% of their weight in moisture, shortening the drying time.   

The drying cycle in a coin operated dryer costs $2.00 for a small load, or 25 cents for every 7 - 8 minutes.  Add the cost of "disposable", toxic dryer sheets to that and it's like throwing money away.  Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls last for thousands of drying cycles and won't expose you to any harmful chemicals.

Transporting the dryer balls is easy.  They're light and manageable.  They can be carried right in your laundry basket or in a small bag tied to the handle.  If you like to add essential oils to your dryer balls they can be stored in your dresser drawers, between laundry trips, to keep your clothes smelling fresh all week long. 

What a great way to cut back on your cost of living and help keep trash out of landfills.  And if you feel like making somebody smile, share this little tidbit with a college student.  A couple quarters can make a world of difference when your busy learning how to change the world. 


Monday, April 16, 2012

Great Essential Oils to Add to your Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls

Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls are scent free.  They are perfect for people and youngsters with allergies and skin sensitivities.  If you like your laundry scented a few drops of your favorite essential oil added to Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls will do the trick.  Essential oils are available at your local health food store or online at  Maybe all you need to do is grab one from your medicine cabinet.  Lucky you:)
Scenting your laundry with essential oils has multiple benefits.  You can sanitize your dish towels, ward off insomnia or ignite passion in the bedroom, fight colds and flus, and stimulate your work day.  Here is a list of some of our favorites that can benefit you too! 

Everyday laundry:
  • Lavender
  • Lemongrass
  • Ylang-ylang

Studly scents for men:
  • Sandalwood
  • Patchouli
  • Cypress
  • Bay
  • Ginger
  • Black Pepper
  • Oakmoss
  • Vanilla
  • Vetiver
  • Most citrus oils

Rev up the romance with:
  • Rose
  • Ylang-ylang
  • Jasmine
  • Vervaine

Fight off those pesky colds and flus with:
  • Eucalyptus
  • Rosemary
  • Pine
  • Thyme

Induce a deep sleep with:
  • Chamomile
  • Lavender
  • Marjoram
  • Orange blossom

Get an energized start to the work day with:
  • Grapefruit
  • Basil
  • Lemon
  • Bergamot (anti-depressant)
  • Eucalyptus
  • Lemongrass

Sanitize your towels and rags with:
  • Eucalyptus
  • Thyme
  • Tea Tree
  • Lavender

Say goodbye to moths with:
  • Cedar
  • Eucalyptus

Are you noticing a trend?  Just like most of Mother Nature's gifts to us essential oils have more than one use.  They can be added to carrier oils such as almond oil and jojoba oil for a massage.  Put a few drops in a bath or shower (away from the drain and water stream) for an aroma therapy experience.  Even keep a bottle in your car or purse and breath in the scents to keep you alert or improve your mood.  Just make sure to store your essential oils with the lids on tight and the bottle secure so you don't lose your investment to an unfortunate spill! 

Whatever you decide on be sure to research it's benefits, possible dangers and directions for use at

If you are pregnant please look at this link for which oils to avoid and which may be helpful.

If you are nursing check out for herbs and oils to avoid.  This is a great website for mothers and expectant mothers in general. 

Remember...essential oils are a wonderful addition to your laundry and home health routine but they need to be used properly.  Never put a pure essential oil directly on your skin.  Always dilute it with a carrier oil.  And if you have a chronic illness or medical condition be sure to use a safe oil for your specific needs. 

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Mud is Here

April showers bring May flowers.  That's fantastic.  Really.  That's wonderful.  You know what else those April showers bring?  Mud.  I said it.  And I'll say it again, mud.  Oh, Momma am I busy doing laundry or what!?  Snow?  Hang it up, it'll dry.  Beach towel? Shake off the sand and let it sit in the sun for a while.  Mud?  Unless you wanna look like Pig-Pen from Charlie Brown, you're gonna be doing some laundry.  Just make sure you use Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls to keep the clean clothes coming fast and chemical free!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Keep Children Safe in the Laundry Room

My heart is aching after the news of an accidental death today.  A toddler drowned in a washing machine while helping his mother with the laundry. The clip and full story is at  My prayers go out to the family and community of the child. 

Part of raising children is teaching them the routines of the home and how to accomplish them.  I love to hear about the mundane chores that children help out with and the family bonding that occurs during those times.  It's real life, the job needs done and the caretaker is setting a good example.

As a society we're making each other more aware of the possibilities of being poisoned from common household chemicals like bleach and ammonia.  From today's story, and others like it, we're reminded that the machines invented to make our lives a little easier are in fact death traps if not used with great caution.

If you have a family or dear friends, old or young, please give them a hug today and tell them you love them.  Accidents are just that, accidents.  But we never know when they'll happen.  We never know the outcome until it's over.  We never know the pain of grief until it crushes us.

Rest in peace little one.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Earth Day Countdown

Earth Day countdown banner

Show the earth you love her

Plant a tree
A man has made at least a start on discovering the meaning of human life when he plants shade trees under which he knows full well he will never sit.   -- Elton Trueblood (1900-1994)
Build a bird a home
I value my garden more for being full of blackbirds than of cherries, and very frankly give them fruit for their songs.     --Joseph Addison (1672 - 1719)
Use homemade, chemical free cleaing products
Achieve victory over a toxic world      --Dr. Mark Schauss
Use sustainable products that are biodegradable and last for years
       Leaping sheep wool dryer balls are a great way to start

Compost Materials List


    Why bother paying those high prices for compost from the store when you have all you need right in your house?  Not only will you do your garden good, but you will also put your garbage to good use.

    Green compost materials
    Much higher in nitrogen, helps speed up the process of decomposition

    -  Vegetable/fruit peelings and scraps
    -  Grass clippings
    -  Fresh manure from horses, alpacas, sheep or cows.  This "cooks" the compost quicker.  NOTE:  do not use manure from dogs, cats, humans or pigs.  It could contain harmful parasites.
    -  Coffee grounds
    -  Plant clippings
    -  Seaweed
    NOTE:  DO NOT use vegetables fried in vegetable oil

    Brown compost materials

    High in carbon and a source of energy for your compost microbes
       -  Chipped twigs
       -  Chipped hedge trimmings
       -  Stalks
       -  Leaves
       -  Eggshells
       -  Tea bags...loose or in the bag

       In small amounts
  • Shredded black/white newsprint
  • Shredded cardboard (avoid matting, aerate)
  • Small amounts of hair/fur/fiber (REALLY old Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls)
  • Small amounts of sawdust
  • Very small amounts of wood ash

Put alternated layers of green (more) and brown (less) compost materials, spread evenly, in your compost bin or heap. Be sure to stir every week or two with a pitch fork and turn the edges into the middle. Add water to keep moist. Cover with a tarpaulin to avoid becoming waterlogged if you live in a rainy area. 

Not sure how to tell if you have a good balance?  If the leaves are dry or if you have ants in the compost it's too dry.  If the compost is consistently moist or if you see worms, GREAT!  Kids that like to hunt for worms can add their findings to the pile! 

To avoid the possibility of composted seeds growing or the introduction of pathogens to your garden let your compost heat up to 160 degrees F.  You can use a compost thermometer to keep track of the temperatures.  Manure plays an important role in heating up the compost if you're having trouble reaching temperature.  After about a week the compost pile will start to cool off from it's peak temperature.  When this happens it's time to turn the pile to get more air into it.  The compost is ready when it's dark brown in color, crumbly and earth-smelling.  This can take 4 months to 1 year.  For a good aged compost you're investing 5 years.   

Call your local horse or alpaca farm, I'm sure they would be more than happy to have you pick up manure from their pastures.  They may even deliver it to you. 

What a great source of worms for the family fishing enthusiast.

  • Chemically-treated wood products
  • Diseased plants (house, yard or garden)
  • Human wastes
  • Meat, bones and fatty food wastes
  • Pernicious weeds (sprout from root)
  • Pet/pig wastes (meat eating animals)
  • Junk/processed foods (you're not trying to grow a french fry)

Happy composting and here's to a pesticide free, rich and bountiful garden!

For complete instructions on composting visit

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Count Down to Earth Day

Leaping Sheep is in full spring
Earth Day is April 22, 2012.
What can we do differently this year?

Admire Mother Nature's beauty and use her renewable resources.

Be brave.  Get our hands dirty.  Be a hero.

Till a plot of soil and encourage young ones to plant seeds.

Let a kitty be a lion.

How will you celebrate our Earth?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Wrinkle Free Wool

Sure, you know Leaping Sheep Wool Dryer Balls help with the longevity and use of your fabrics in the dryer but what if I mention the word wrinkles.  It's like a curse word.  That is...if it's used regarding the crows feet and laugh lines pegging your age.  Wrinkles are a much lighter subject when talking about wool .  Wool can smile like the Grinch one moment and be as smooth as jazz the next.  A miracle?  Yes, if it's put in a bottle and marketed as an anti aging cream.  No, if it's a wool sweater found weeks after falling from a shelf in the closet.   

Wool is naturally elastic.  It's not gonna smack you in the chest like a pair of Uncle Fred's suspender's when he's gloating about his appetite.  Wool is much more gentle and subtle than that.  Thank goodness.  Each wool fibre is made up of millions of coiled springs that stretch and give.  When dry it can be extended by up to 30% it's original size.  When wet it can be stretched 60% to 70% it's original size.  But it's not ruined.  It always coils back to it's original shape.  Kind of like Shirley Temple's little curls.

A very popular fabric used today is cotton.  But did you know it is extremely fragile?  Cotton is held together by a hydrogen bond.  When worn these bonds are stretched and broken when you move.  Once the original bonds are broken new bonds form, nearly never in the original place.  And water (sweat) can actually penetrate the area between the molecules in the bond, the bond dissolves and a new bond forms.  As the fabric dries the new bonds, or wrinkles, get LOCKED into place! 

Let's look at a few clothing scenarios.

Scenario 1:

You're late for work and you're bloated.  It could be from stress in your personal life.  Or maybe you're lactose intolerant and threw caution to the wind while you threw back a milkshake.  Regardless your stomach looks like you're in your second trimester and you really don't want anybody asking if you're pregnant.  Not today.  

You tear through your closet like the Tasmanian Devil, "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!" 
But what's this?  You see a skirt hanging at the very end of the rod.  You haven't worn it in months but you remember it being snug yet forgiving.  You throw it on, run out the door and go about your day. 

By the time lunch rolls around you've forgotten all about feeling bloated.  In fact you feel so great you eat your salad with gusto.  And when you check yourself out in the bathroom mirror you don't spend ten minutes adjusting your outfit to get through the second half of the day.  On top of that, the critical coworker steps out of the stall behind you and says, "Great skirt.  Is that wool?"  You just smile and nod because to be honest you're not sure and you refuse to put your foot in your mouth. 

As soon as she leaves you race into a stall, slam the door shut, spin your skirt around and reveal the tag.  100% wool.  You suddenly remember getting this as a hand me down from Grandma.  Now you're really confused.  It looks brand new.  And despite sitting at a desk for hours there's not a single wrinkle in it.  You spend the rest of the day distracted wondering what the rest of your clothes are made of.   

Scenario 2:

You're late for work but you don't care.  You feel great and nothing is going to ruin your mood.  You throw on your trusty collared t-shirt and cotton pants because spring has sprung early and you want to be cool and comfortable today. 

By the time lunch rolls around you've adjusted your outfit at least a hundred times.  For each minute spent at your desk there's a wrinkle in your pants to represent it.  And the backside is so loose you feel like MC Hammer.  You're feeling frumpy and pretend you didn't pack a healthy lunch.  An order of the freshest deep fried combo pack, super sized, goes down the hatch.
You go back to work and convince yourself you're PMS'ing.  Great, the critical coworker just walked past donning a sympathetic smile while you're inhaling a king sized chocolate bar for dessert.  It's a curl up on the couch with sappy movie kind of night tonight.   

That little tidbit may not be too far from a day in your own life.  Clothing can make or break your mood and productivity.  You might be thinking that you can't wear a heavy wool sweater, skirt or suit everyday.  Nobody said you have to.  Thanks to knitwear designers and wool technologists there is an endless number of combinations of weave, knits and textures, from sheer lacy knits to bulky tweeds and heavy overcoating to choose from. They're made from a wide range of wool types varying from extra-fine for the suits and knitwear to broad fibres for home furnishings.  Whatever the choice they all resist wrinkles and last beautifully for years. If you do find that your wool garment needs ironed check the manufacturers directions and never use a dry iron as it will scorch the wool easily.       

Oh, and don't ever wash your wool in the washer and throw it in the dryer, it will felt the wool. You will then be using that skirt as a dryer ball.