Some of the happiest memories of my life were when I shared time with friends. I'm not only talking about my adult life. I'm reflecting from my first memories to present day. Unfortunately the older I get and the more responsibilities I take on (whether voluntary or involuntary) the less importance I place on meaningful friendships. With spring in the air, and renewal the theme of the day, the health benefits of a good friendship deserves a spotlight.
Age Happily
People who socialize and VISIT with friends and family during the WEEK are happier as they age. Yes, it is nice to wait until the weekend when the house is caught up and you're off the clock to check in on friends, but a few laughs and a sincere heart to heart could really pull you out of a mid week slump.
Drop a Dress Size
Spending time alone or immersed in responsibilities doesn't always equal fitness success. But a little bit of encouragement from a friend can help keep your willpower at full throttle. Share a walk at a local park. It's impact free and burns calories!
Share a Smile
If your friends are happy, you're going to be as well. But it doesn't stop there! That happiness actually spreads outside of the social group and to each persons personal contacts. Beware of permi-grin if you have a happy go lucky friend less than a mile away.
Use Your Talents
The world would be an intolerably boring place if we were all good at the same things. Find your natural talent and build a social circle around it. If you think you don't have a natural talent then stop the soul searching and scratch the surface. Chances are you use your natural talent on a daily basis even if it's just something you like to think about. One of my natural talents is spinning yarn and making wool balls. I have many spinning friends that "get" me.
Ups and Downs
Every once in a while we need a shoulder to cry on. And unfortunately those moments aren't predictable and come without warning. A good friend, and I mean a GOOD friend, will go scoop for scoop with you on a gallon of ice cream. But rough times aren't always solved at the bottom of the carton. We may need help with funeral arrangements, paying bills and hospital trips. A friend can make the intolerable tolerable.
So share a smile and enjoy the day. Somewhere out there true friendship awaits.
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